The Array


about this project

Supporting Darwin's first tech-hub in building their digital presence

A laptop computer with a blue screen and the word base on it.


The Array is Darwin's first tech hub for tech enthusiasts, learners, and professionals alike. With a focus on three distinct services tailored to different audiences, The Array needed support to communicate those in a website context. Our goal was to weave these services seamlessly into an online space that's easy for users to explore.

The approach

The approach for the website was centred around enhancing the  visual appeal while effectively communicating the three core services. The homepage was strategically used to feature these services through a visual banner, using clear, simple language to immediately help the audience understand the offerings.

We also created dedicated "What's on" page to showcase upcoming events, giving essential details and streamlined registration. Another core feature was the implementation of course functionality for tech courses, which were categorised into youth, adult and professional development. Each course was outlined to show the weekly learning objectives, and users could easily register through an online form.

In coming weeks, we will also be implementing ecommerce functionality to allow people to pay for their course through the website. This will significantly streamline the course booking process for The Array.

A black arrow pointing down on a white background.
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